The Good Neighbor Center’s tutoring success is built on years of attention, care, and collaboration with our valued partners who graciously show love every single day. Share in our pride and consider supporting them too so that we may all continue in our great work!
Appetite for Change uses food as a tool to build health, wealth, and social change in North Minneapolis. We bring people together to learn, cook, eat, and grow food, creating change that lasts. GNC is so thankful to Appetite for Change for providing a freshly prepared and flavorful evening meal three times a week consisting of a protein, grain, and veggie.
Founded in 1998, UMN CEHD America Reads is a literacy tutoring program housed in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Undergraduate students at the University of Minnesota train as literacy mentors to support K-8th grade students in reading skills, homework help, and other educational enrichment activities at schools and community sites. The GNC appreciates the giving nature of these individuals and being a community site.
The UST Tutor-Mentor Program builds meaningful connections between K-12 students and St. Thomas volunteers to provide consistent support and ongoing learning opportunities. Volunteers commit to at least one semester for a minimum of one hour each week. Tommies Together Volunteer Center covers the cost of transportation or provides carpooling opportunities to all pre-approved Tutor-Mentor volunteers. The GNC benefits from these leaders in the making and their exceptional tutoring talents.
Peace United Methodist Community, celebrating 60 years in 2022, has a strong history of donations and volunteerism to the GNC, including a generous warm bi-monthly meal for the GNC community. Peace was instrumental and influential in the naming of GNC when the organization switched from a grassroots organization to a 5(0(1c)3 nonprofit.
Founded in 1988, Diane and Alan Page launched Page Scholars to inspire young people of color to pursue post-secondary education throughout Minnesota. The Page Education Foundation’s programs help to financially support college students’ academic goals while fostering positive mentor relationships and encouraging role models for children. GNC shares these same values and is honored to have Scholars tutor in their programs.
Kristin Beltaos, marketer and life writer, inspires entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and individuals to communicate the beauty and purpose of their story. Founder of The Sunflower Project, Kristin quarterly selects a nonprofit to receive 60 free hours of marketing consulting and in the weeds work execution. GNC was happy to be the third quarter recipient in 2022 and looks forward to continuing to collaborate with Kristin to grow the organization.
With more than 100 years of experience, HandsOn Twin Cities is the leader in connecting nonprofits, volunteers, and companies to provide high impact in our community. Many tutors come to the GNC via this wonderful organization’s referral network.
Sprockets is a strong network of after-school and summer programs for kids and teens in St. Paul. It’s a collaboration of community organizations, The City of St Paul, and St. Paul Public Schools. The two organizations enjoy the reciprocity of referrals to one another, ensuring young people stay busy, challenged, and have fun too!
Founded in 2012, the Marion Park Foundation is a private foundation in Missoula, Montana, that provides grants annually of varying amounts to nonprofits that support children and education which is why GNC is such a good fit and has benefited from their continued support.